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Album No.1

Ocean and Lakes

Album No.2

Wild animals

Album No.3


Ocean Art


"Have you explored the dephs of the ocean

Coated by the infinity of Being

Have you ever tried to stop the moment

To catch the beauty of time and enclose it

Have you ever wished

You could transform your deepest feelings into a melody

Which would make everyone able to hear

Swaying in harmony with the Ocean..."


Claudia Trappe

Fine Art and Photography

None professional equipment

Exhibitions on request

Fischland Darß




Oceans cover more than 70 % of the surface of Earth and deliver us oxygen.

Without Oceans all other ecosystems could not survive....not even us.

With our birth, over 80% of our body consists of water.

Billions of years ago in our oceans, plankton developed oxygen through photosynthesis.

Fauna was born and our existens became possible. We breathe in harmony with the sea.

Water, the oceans and nature is the source of our being.

Oceans, nature and animals need our respect and care.

My art arises from inhaling the ocean and nature... and exhaling with brush and camera.


Please take care of Mother Nature and stop animal torture and factory farming.

Vegetarian - Vegan - or Normal...important is animal welfare and to stop the abundance of meat consumption.

In our supermarkets Level one and two, the cheap meat means terrible suffering for animals.


How much plastic do you really need...


With Twilight and at night the animals start to move on the roads which humans have built with cars on it where the animals get killed.

To reduce speed does not hurt ... but saves the right of the animals to live without pain.


It starts with YOU.




From 2023  I only use watercolours - natural pigments without chemicals due to environmental awareness.  Watercolours which I use from a shop only contain  mostly natural ingedients and very little chemicals.


Please note....water colours from a shop are "not" free of chemicals and there are big differences. Please read the safety document of each company/colour as they contain information on how hazardous they are to water and how to handle them. 

Our groundwater is our all responsibility.









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